LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Time to say no to fear tactics
Our actions, reactions or inactions come from our emotional chamber. When we respond too quickly without thinking first, our regulator gets to an off-balance position. We can act or react in a way that is harmful for ourselves and possibly others around us as well. It can and most likely will affect our own health to a degree. No, it will not kill us on the spot unless we create a heart attack for ourselves which can lead to death. There are other health issues we can create for ourselves when the regulator is off balance.
The question we can ask ourselves, is it good to express our anger? It depends on the circumstances. Sometimes the answer is yes and other times the answer is no. If for example we see a bully mistreating an innocent child or adult for that matter, we ought to get angry and do something about it. That kind of anger is wholesome and will make us feel good. I would call that a righteous anger. Unfortunately, too many people in our society are struggling in life and losing their balance because of mistreatment. Some are even so off balance that they lose hope and die by suicide. When we are angry about injustice in society that should propel us to do something about it, we cannot be idle about it.
I want to speak about misdirected anger that is created by politicians and some churches. In particular I am referring to right-wing politicians and the evangelical churches who are combining forces to create a Christian national state. They are not even hiding it anymore. The politicians promote hate, anger and fear in their agenda to whip up the emotions of their followers. They would want us to believe that we are close to a civil war or a revolution. They will use scary words to label their political opposition; Iike communist, socialist, radical liberal or even the devil himself. I am suggesting to us all, don’t let any politician or preacher scare you or make you angry. Those scare tactics become meaningless when we inform ourselves.
In my opinion it is time for us to not put up with all that nonsense anymore and give the fear tacticians a letter of divorce. Should we dare to think that joy could be brought into politics? Just imagine a joyful people that would not have time to have bitter fights among each other. It would not hurt the politicians to bring some laughter into the mix. Serious people can afford to have some good laughs. Good humour loosens things up and is appreciated by most people and is good for our health.