Reynolds Fireman’s Ball raises equipment funds in style
The first ever Reynolds Fireman’s Ball Nov. 2 in Prawda could become an annual tradition that helps the volunteer firefighters get more gear to keep locals and visitors safe.
As the wife of a firefighter, Lindsay Cabral hopes the event will do more than help the Reynolds Fire Department buy more helmets and side-by-side rescue equipment.
“I just really hope that this is a success because I really am passionate about the work that these guys do. The last two years this group has worked really hard to expand their knowledge and they just deserve a little bit of credit.

“And they’re not the type of people to go and ask for it. I just feel that a little thank-you goes a long way,” said Cabral.
She said she will be making sure as many of the firefighters as possible are at the inaugural ball, even if they are a little tired from their training scheduled at the firehall on the same day.
Reynolds firefighters may be used to this sort of double duty, being a busy department along the Trans-Canada Highway that sees everything from house fires to vehicle crashes and assisting with forest and brush fires. They are often first on the scene with the closest help half an hour away in Whitemouth, Falcon Lake or Richer.
“These guys have jobs, they have lives. But when that call comes in, they stop what they’re doing and they get in their vehicles and they race down to that hall, and they have no idea what they’re getting into,” said Cabral.
She gave the example of a grandfather who got sent the first photo of his granddaughter while on a call. Cabral herself has had to find a ride when her husband Kevin needs to take the vehicle they used to go somewhere together.
“They give up a lot of family time,” said Cabral.
“It’s the way it is. When that call comes in, they have to go.”
She said while the RM has been supportive of the fire department, a small municipality has a small budget. After looking at other similar fundraisers in other communities, Cabral thought Reynolds could step up to help their firefighters and have a fun time doing it.
“It’s time that we kind of put Reynolds on the map,” she said.
Up to 200 tickets are for sale. They can be bought and held at the door, but they will not be sold at the door. There are also extra support tickets sold at $20 to be entered for a door prize.
There is a list of people selling tickets on the RM of Reynolds Fire Department Facebook page. People can also contact Cabral directly via email at or by phone at 204-396-3403.

The Saturday, Nov. 2 ball at the hall starts with cocktails at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 6:30.
Silent auction prizes are still being accepted, and already include donations from the Winnipeg Blue Bombers of two tickets to any game of your choice next season, a three-night stay at a cabin in West Hawk courtesy of Oak Star Cottage Service (owned by a Reynolds firefighter), Tallpine Lodges, and Falcon Trails Resort.
“We’ve had quite a few of our locals donate,” said Cabral.
Food is courtesy of Whitemouth’s Spicy Radish. Sensational Sound will provide the DJ.
The dress code is Reynolds formal.
“We wanted it to not be a social but more of a classier event – but as classy as Hadashville can be,” laughed Cabral.
“Just dress to impress. I understand not everybody’s into black tie events, I’m not a black-tie event person myself. We want to make it fitting for everybody.”
The price is $65 and the event is 18-plus.