RM of Hanover responds to City of Steinbach regarding controversial subdivision
The RM of Hanover has approved rezoning a controversial parcel of land after a public meeting was held on Wednesday morning.
Council passed first and second reading unanimously to rezone the parcel located west of Highway 12 and south of Highway 311 from Agriculture Limited to Rural Industrial. The parcel has three agricultural businesses on it.
Development of the land has been a point of contention as it is in a transition zone between the RM and the city. The city contends the parcel was developed first under the wrong zoning and that now the RM is trying to fix it so that it falls under the right zoning.

City councillors derided the RMs move with Mayor Earl Funk calling the measure “completely backwards.” Reeve Jim Funk kept things civil.
“Going back to some of the comments that were made – allegations maybe – I think maybe there was something said that the rest of council was not aware of. I’m not sure why some of those comments were made, but right now I’m not going to say anything negative towards the city or the council and we would just try to work together going forward,” said the reeve.
Manager of planning Jeremy Neufeld had harsher words for the city. “Administration believes that the objection from the city is frivolous and in bad faith.”
The businesses that are currently on the site are compliant with the Agriculture Limited zone and operation under conditional use orders, according to Neufeld, the proposed change to Rural Industrial better represents the existing land use.
Representing the applicant was professional planner Allison Driedger who said the city’s contention that the subdivision does not comply with policy 21226, which states general land division shall be discouraged in a transition area, and any proposal considered by council must go through a consultive process to evaluate the impact, was wrong.
“The policy clearly states that land division would be discouraged but it doesn’t say that they will be prohibited or not allowed. It says that they would be discouraged,” she said noting the reeve and mayor met and had a consultation about the subdivision prior to the subdivision of the site.
Neufeld reiterated that contrary to the City of Steinbach comments, the site does comply with the RM’s development plan and zoning bylaw.
“A long process to obtain building permits and receive conditional approval for the subdivision application 8943 may have been unconventional, it none the less conformed with all municipal policies and bylaws.”
Further, Neufeld noted that the objection to the change in zoning of the subdivision will have no impact to the existing land use at the site.
“Even if (the city) were to be successful in this obstruction the three existing businesses would continue to operate. The only impact would be to their ownership structure which in no way impacts the RM of Hanover nor the City of Steinbach.”
Since there is an objection from the city, the matter will now go to the municipal board for review. If the municipal board approves the subdivision it will go back to council for final reading.