COLUMN: Think Again – Obby Khan is the right choice for PC leader


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Wab Kinew has been premier for over a year and he doesn’t have much to show for it. Health care wait times are up, unemployment is rising, violent crime has gotten worse, and the deficit is half a billion dollars over budget. So far, the NDP track record is one of failure.

This is why it is so important that the Progressive Conservatives (PC) make the right choice for leader. We need someone who is ready to hit the ground running, who knows how to take on Wab Kinew in the Legislature, and who is not afraid to shake things up. In my view, that person is Obby Khan.

Khan has been elected twice as MLA in Fort Whyte, and he is currently one of only two PC MLAs with a seat in Winnipeg. It goes without saying that the PCs cannot form government without winning considerably more Winnipeg seats. Khan also knows that he cannot ignore the rural base of the party. That is why he has spent considerable time touring all corners of the province.

Each time that I’ve met Khan, I’ve been impressed by his genuine interest in people, his ability to clearly communicate his vision for Manitoba, and his willingness to listen. Those who work closely with Khan obviously agree, since he has accumulated an impressive number of endorsements from his caucus colleagues, including one from Steinbach MLA Kelvin Goertzen, who is also serving as his campaign co-chair.

While Khan is a nice guy, he can be tough as nails when the situation calls for it. In April 2023, Khan revealed that NDP leader Wab Kinew tried to intimidate him during a handshake at a public event. According to Khan, Kinew pulled him in close, uttered profanities and insults, and gave him a shove to his stomach.

Unsurprisingly, Kinew denied Khan’s version of events and several NDP MLAs came forward to cast doubt on Khan’s story. Media reports at the time were also less than favourable to Khan. In the face of this pressure, it would have been easy for Khan to back down, but he didn’t. He stood firm that he was telling the truth.

Fortunately, several months ago former NDP MLA Mark Wasyliw revealed that it was Khan, not Kinew, who told the truth about what happened. According to Wasyliw, NDP communications staff asked him to back up Kinew’s version of events. When Wasyliw refused, the NDP told him to keep quiet, which he did until shortly after Kinew kicked him out of the caucus.

By calling out bullying when it happened and by refusing to back down when the premier and his spin doctors tried to smear Khan’s reputation, Khan showed that he will stand up for what is right, even when it’s hard.

Khan’s opponent in the PC leadership race is businessman Wally Daudrich. I respect Daudrich’s enthusiasm and his sincere desire to reform the party, but Daudrich has never held elected office. Being Leader of the Opposition is not an entry level job, and it would be a mistake to put someone in that position who has never been tested.

In my view, the choice is clear—Obby Khan is the right person to lead the PC Party of Manitoba. If you agree, go to and sign up for a PC membership today. Remember, only party members are eligible to vote. The membership cutoff date is Feb. 28, so don’t delay.

The last thing we need is for the NDP to get another term in office. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen.

Michael Zwaagstra is a high school teacher and deputy mayor of Steinbach. He can be reached at

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