DANKOCHIK’S DRAFTINGS: Showcase event glorious to cover


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This week was unusually busy for me, as the Manitoba Junior Hockey League hosted their annual showcase event, hosting their Saskatchewan counterparts for a series of all-star games.

The event is just as old as my tenure at The Carillon, and it’s become one of the highlights of my year. It’s a great injection of energy for hockey coverage just before my playoff schedule begins.

I wish it didn’t take place on a Tuesday/Wednesday, so I could spend two full days soaking in the atmosphere of the event instead of just a half day, and running back to the office.

Matteo Speranza goes for a wraparound during the MJHL/SJHL showcase. (Cassidy Dankochik The Carillon)
Matteo Speranza goes for a wraparound during the MJHL/SJHL showcase. (Cassidy Dankochik The Carillon)

There’s a feeling of connectiveness at the showcase that I don’t often get at other events I cover. It’s great to chat with familiar and new faces, be it fans, other media members or league/team officials.

It’s great to shoot the breeze with other people who are passionate about junior hockey and get different perspectives from outside of the Southeast Manitoba bubble.

A window into what it’s like around the rest of the province and even the country has become a highlight of my year.

It’s also a great chance to provide The Carillon’s readers into that broader perspective as well. I’m always hoping to share interesting and important tidbits from around Manitoba junior hockey, so our readers will be the most informed of any news outlet when it comes to the MJHL.

The showcase is a great platform to take a look at the whole league, and get a glimpse at the off-ice situation before the playoffs take up all my writing time.

As the event grows, I hope to see more of our readers take the trip out to check it out in years to come.

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