LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Approaching the issue of homelessness
Re: the establishment of a homeless shelter in Steinbach.
How we approach important discussions does make a difference.
1. It would be our desire to appeal to the strength and wisdom of our council members. Understanding the fine tuning of zoning regulations is important. Rushing things to much could be a drawback. Council could make a wise decision to wait with the application fee or make it conditional upon approval. This way the applicant would not lose precious donated money. Where there is a will there is a way. Mountains of opposition can be overcome with good information and human compassion. I can only imagine that council would not want to be left out of the loop to show their compassion in this process.
2. If we throw buckets of religion into the discussion, it does not help to clarify anything. Religion does not necessarily tip the scale in the right direction. Religion should take a back seat in this debate. Council makes business decisions based on the needs of the community and the affordability of the taxpayers. Council members are not elected to be religious representatives but rather to manage our taxes with transparency in mind.
3. Some people fall through the cracks and need help. It is good to see people who are passionate to help. We don’t need to know the reason for people’s failures to cover our own excuses. The Inn and its goal seem to be straight forward. I would strongly support that project and the location where it is planned for. I would consider volunteering my own time for it. We could follow the example of the {Samaritan} (unbeliever). He showed good character and compassion without seeking fame and honour or claiming to be a good Christian. Plain human love and compassion is a benefit to the fallen victims and raises society to a higher standard.